Realtor Email Marketing Follow-Up Emails

We all get excited when people remember things, whether it’s our birthday or to ask how that important meeting went. It shows you care!

With email automation, you don’t need to have a dolphin memory to keep track of your customers. You can automate follow-up emails after each viewing (either sent directly or using a delay of some hours or a day). Ask people what they thought of the property, whether they have any remaining questions or need additional information.

Another good follow-up email is one that’s being sent about a week after a client closed on a house. Check-in, see how the move went and ask if there’s anything you can do to help with the transition.

You can then even add a condition that sends out another email to those who haven’t opened your first follow-up email. Or add a delay and send out a reminder, urging viewers to show their interest before the property is off the market.

And what if you’ve sold the property?

Be tactical about it, communicate they’ve missed their chance this time but offer similar properties in the neighborhood.

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About Paige Duewel

Paige Duewel, Local Small Business Entrepreneur and Owner of Marketing Solutions HHI offers Email Blasts, Social Media Marketing, SEO, Branding, Website Design and more!