As of the end of 2013, there were more than 10 billion mobile phone users worldwide. By the time you finish reading this article, another 400 will be added to the list. Most of the business owners that come to us for help aren’t always looking for their first website, but wondering why they’re having trouble connecting with their target audience. It doesn’t take much research to realize that more than 80% of those who reach out to us have simply let their website and its ability to have an impact on their business and bottom line go to the waist-side.
The idea of having a mobile website was once something that only large corporations could afford. However, with the shift in web browsing from desktops to mobile devices and tablets becoming ever more prevalent, web design technology has made a similar move, and we’re proud to be able to offer that to our clients.
In most cases, as many 20-40% of your website visitors can come from a device other than a desktop, and more than half of those visitors will be browsing with their thumbs. This means that unless you’ve got an easy to read website that allows people to browse you content while they’re on the move, you’re going to lose their attention quite quickly, which translates into lost business. As we move into the next year, we’ll continue to see the desktop slowly move towards its demise, while smaller technology connects us to the web faster than ever before.
Our experience and knowledge of web design and internet marketing have afforded us the opportunity to help others connect to their audience. With every page construction, we look into how we can help small businesses connect with a mobile audience. If this isn’t something that you’re concerned about, you could find yourself left in the dust, while your competition continues to grow.
Contact Marketing Solutions Hilton Head today to see how we can help your business grow with a mobile-friendly web design.